How many fire extinguishers does my business premises need?


Published: January 8, 2021

multiple fire extinguishers.

The number of fire extinguishers your premises may need is based on the area of your building in M² and the layout, number of floor and the fire risks you have present,

We offer a Free of Charge survey to indicate your exact requirements.

It is essential to establish as well as the number of fire extinguishers required, that the correct type, size and locations are correct with wall hanging, if possible and the correct signage. (See picture)

Each type of fire extinguisher has a unique way of fighting fires - due to the ingredients or type of jet spray that distributes the contents inside.

You can find out more about business fire safety by following the links below:

Do I need a fire extinguisher in my business?

All fire safety legislation in England and Wales for non-domestic premises is covered by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO), which states that appropriate fire-fighting equipment, including portable fire extinguishers, must be provided where there is any risk of fire.

There are 5 fire extinguisher colours: Red, Cream, Blue, Black, and Yellow. We explore the different types of fire extinguisher here in this simple guide.

Each colour fire extinguisher represents a different type of extinguisher, used on the various different types of fires.

Fire extinguisher colours - A simple guide.

How many fire extinguishers do I need?

Unfortunately, a simple answer to the question How many fire extinguishers does my business premises need? does not exist.

In order to ensure complete fire safety compliance, the first step would be to get a risk assessment should be carried out by a competent person. A fire safety risk assessment will determine which fire-fighting control measures your business requires. All workplaces should have water based extinguishers for Class A provision. In addition, your fire risk assessment should identify ignition and fuel sources which will inform you of any additional types of extinguisher you need.

The fire safety professional team at ISE Fire undergo extensive training and achieve accreditations like to prove competency in installing and maintaining Fire Extinguisers in accordance with current British Standards.

Is it a legal requirement to service fire extinguishers?

A basic fire extinguisher service must be carried out every 12 months.

UK fire extinguisher regulations recommend that extinguishers should be replaced or given an extended service/overhaul every 5 years. CO2 extinguishers should be replaced every 10 years, unless they are damaged or have been discharged. No extinguisher must ever be more than 20 years old.

It is also a legal requirement to keep a permanent record of all servicing, maintenance and inspections of fire extinguishers.

Need more advice on fire extinguishers?

If your business needs advice on fire extinguisher cover, or you need specific advice for your business, we can arrange for one of our BAFE accredited engineers to visit your premises and carry out a free, no-obligation survey.

ISE Fire colour table.
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