What specific areas or aspects of my business will be assessed during the fire risk assessment?

During a fire risk assessment, specific areas throughout the interior and exterior of the premises will be assessed include fire detection and warning systems, emergency escape routes, fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment, electrical installations, storage of flammable materials, and the overall management of fire safety within your premises.

Related FAQs

Fire Risk Assessment cost can vary from approx. £295 – £600, depending on the size of business, employees, and much more.
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ISE Fire Risk Assessments generally take 2-3 hours, but this is dependent on the size of your building. Your Fire Risk Assessment report will usually be with you within 10 working days.
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Our in-house, highly experienced Fire Risk Assessor Sarah (an Associate member of the Institute of Fire Engineers) carries out the Fire Risk Assessments for all our clients.
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100%. When we provide Fire Risk Assessments, you will be issued with a professional insurance approved report, which identifies your fire safety compliance.
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There are a number of common factors which can impact the cost of your Fire Risk Assessment. Costs can vary from approx. £295 – £600, depending on the size of business, employees, and much more.
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ISE Fire Risk Assessments generally take 2-3 hours, but this is dependent on the size of your building. Your Fire Risk Assessment report will usually be with you within 10 working days.
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Absolutely. When we provide Fire Risk Assessments, you will be issued with a professional report, which documents your fire safety compliance.
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The recommendation is that a Fire Risk Assessment should be carried out at least yearly at a business premises.
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Your local Fire Officer has the authority to carry out unannounced visits to premises to check Fire Safety, which could result in a formal notice (Enforcement Notice) to improve your fire safety or a Prohibition Notice if they deem the risk to life unacceptable.
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Anyone who has control over the premises is responsible for completing Fire Risk Assessments, whether that’s an individual or part of a team for one particular area.
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If you do not have a fire risk assessment conducted at your business premises and do not have the legal fire safety precautions in place, the penalty is prosecution.
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You can either call one of our office locations, or send us an email and we'll reach back out to you shortly.
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We typically look at information such as the size and type of the premises, the number of occupants, the nature of the activities conducted, and any existing fire safety measures or concerns you may have.
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We can schedule in a fire risk assessment on short-notice if required, typically with a week or two lead time. We'll work with your schedule to fit something in. A fire risk assessment can be just an hour or two, or for more complex facilities a full day.
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It's best to leave things as they usually would be so we're assessing in relevant conditions for your business. However, it is helpful to ensure that access to all areas of the premises is prepared, relevant documentation regarding fire safety measures and procedures are available on request, and key personnel are available to provide information and accompany the assessor during the assessment (if necessary).
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This depends on the size of the premises and number of appliances which require servicing. The best thing is to get in touch with us for a quote which fits you. Our visits and quotes are never high pressure.
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Fire risk assessments for businesses in the UK are governed by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This legislation mandates that businesses must conduct fire risk assessments to identify and mitigate fire hazards.
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The consequences of not having a fire risk assessment for your business can include unlimited legal penalties, fines, increased risk to life and property in the event of a fire, increased insurance costs, and non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Conducting a fire risk assessment is crucial for the safety and compliance of your business.
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There's no simple answer to this question. We have experience carrying out fire risk assessments across various industries and are aware that the needs of a classroom filled with electronics can be quite different from a kitchen with deep-fat fryers. Visit our industries page for more information.
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As a fire safety service provider, the main benefits of having a fire risk assessment for your business include identifying and mitigating fire hazards, improving the safety of occupants and employees, ensuring compliance with regulations, minimizing the risk of fire-related incidents, reduced insurance costs, and protecting your property and assets.
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We'll produce a report after your fire risk assessment which is detailed and comprehensive: outlining the findings, identified hazards, recommended actions, and prioritised measures to improve fire safety. It aims to provide clear guidance for enhancing fire safety in your business premises.
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Actions and recommendations provided after a fire risk assessment may include improving fire detection systems, enhancing emergency escape routes, updating or adding fire safety equipment, implementing training programs for employees, addressing potential hazards, and ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations.
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Common findings or issues that are often identified in fire risk assessments include inadequate fire detection systems, blocked or poorly maintained escape routes, insufficient or outdated fire safety equipment, lack of staff training, improper storage of flammable materials, and deficiencies in emergency planning and procedures.
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To address the issues identified in a fire risk assessment, it is recommended to develop and implement an action plan that prioritizes the necessary improvements.
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We offer expert guidance in following-up with any recommendations made during a fire risk assessment.
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Fire risk assessments do not have a specific validity period. However, the Local Government Authority does advise that low-rise buildings should have their fire risk assessments redone every 4 years. Older, or larger buildings may benefit from having an assessment done closer to annually.
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The government recommends that two fire exits should be located on a premises where possible, and be independent of each other. This provides a layer of redundancy in case a blockage were ever encountered at one, and allows more avenues for avoiding a developing fire.
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