Do I need a Fire Risk Assessment?


Published: July 16, 2018

Writing on assessment list.
Writing on assessment list.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the Responsible Person of any non-domestic premises to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment.

By law, every business and block of flats must have a designated ‘Responsible Person’, accountable for fire safety. It is the Responsible Persons role to ensure all fire safety duties are carried out to prevent fires, injury and death. If a Fire Risk Assessments is overlooked, premises can be left exposed to risk of fire with the potential for loss of life.

The Responsible Person must carry out and regularly review the Fire Risk Assessment of the premises they are responsible for. A written record must be maintained of the FRA if your business has FIVE or more people.

The FRA will identify what you need to do to prevent a fire and keep people safe.


Depending on the size of the building and type of use, the level of detail will vary between each Fire Risk Assessment. However, most Risk Assessments should cover the following:

  • The use, layout, and construction of the building
  • The number of occupants
  • The needs of vulnerable people, for example the elderly, young children or those with disabilities.
  • Electrical source of ignition
  • Smoking risk
  • Arson risk
  • Adequate means of raising the alarm in case of fire
  • Emergency lighting
  • Housekeeping and storage of combustible materials
  • Fire hazards introduced by building works or outside contractors
  • Storage for any dangerous/flammable liquids
  • Escape routes
  • Measures to limit fire spread (compartmentalisation)
  • Provision of fire safety signs
  • Fire-fighting equipment
  • Management of fire safety
  • Fire safety training
  • Evacuation drills
  • Maintenance and testing for fire safety systems
  • Maintenance of records for Fire Alarm System, Emergency Lights, Fire Extinguishers, Sprinklers, Fire Drills, Fire Awareness Training, Fire Warden Training, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Checks.

Please get in touch with our expert team if you would like to discuss the specific requirements for your building. At ISE Fire we are experienced at carrying out Fire Risk Assessments in:

Hotels, Schools, Factories, Warehouses, Offices, Medical Practices, Flats, HMO’s, Places of Worship and Community Centres in WellingboroughKetteringNorthampton, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Leicester.

Remember, in extreme cases of negligence, the Responsible Person could face a prison sentence or severe fines if the required fire safety precautions are not implemented.

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